Armyworm Removal Services
AKA Fall Armyworms
These caterpillars are green when young and then turn to brown as they mature. These cute caterpillars are called armyworms for a reason. They show up in droves to do a great deal of damage to local grass in the fall and the spring. They can be found feeding on large quantities of grass and leaves during morning and evening hours. Florida's Best Lawn & Pest, LLC is highly trained in ridding lawns of destructive armyworms and preventing their return. If you suspect that you have fall armyworms, call the pest control pros today for a free estimate.
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How to Tell if you Have Armyworms
Armyworms can be green or brown depending on their age. They have a lighter colored head with a "v" shape. There is a simple test to find out if it's armyworms that have been chewing holes in your grass. Mix one tablespoon of dish soap into one gallon of tap water. Pour this soapy water over a 3-4 square foot patch of grass near an area where you are finding damage. If there are armyworms living in the soil, they will quickly crawl to the surface. In addition to finding these creatures in the worm state, you may also see the adult moths flying around your entrance or landscape lighting in the evenings. The moths are brown with white tips on their wings.
How to Remove Fall Armyworms From Your Yard
Luckily, there are quite a few natural predators to armyworms, such as birds, ladybugs, and wasps. However, if the caterpillars are out of control and you've got a real army of worms destroying your yard, predators will not be enough to eliminate them. Call the pest control professionals at Florida's Best Lawn & Pest, LLC. Our team as over 7 years of experience with keeping fall armyworms at bay and preventing their return. Our dedicated team is available to answer questions or schedule a free consultation at (561) 507-0992.
Armyworm Control by Florida's Best Lawn & Pest, LLC
Prevention is the best cure for armyworms. The best method for controlling armyworms is to inspect your lawn regularly. Look for early signs as these caterpillars work quickly in large numbers. They tend to feed at night, which is the best time to spot them. They hide underbrush and debris during the day. Of course, if some creature is chewing up your grass and plants, you can call the professionals at Florida's Best Lawn & Pest, LLC so that we can identify the insect and determine the best method of treatment. Other great preventive measures include watering regularly, mowing frequently, not over-fertilizing, and calling Florida's Best Lawn & Pest, LLC at (561) 507-0992 for regular pest control maintenance.